Instructions For Collection Of Second Voided Urin
You will be collecting a “spot urine” specimen specifically the second urine you void in the morning. Here are the specific instructions:
- The first urine you void in the morning (i.e. when you first get out of bed) should be discarded.
- Collect the sample the next time you urinate. You do not need to collect the entire specimen: 2-3 ounces(about 1/3 cup)is adequate. Store it in a clean dry bottle made of clear plastic or glass(a soft drink or snapple bottle is fine) until you bring it to the lab.
- Keep the specimen in the refrigerator if more than several hours will elapse prior to submitting it.
- If you take supplements such as Glucosamine chondroitin or “shark cartilage” please STOP taking these at least 3 DAYS before you collect your urine for this test.